Your Seasonal Sale Package Includes:

  • Comprehensive Content Library: Dive into a vast collection of resources designed to cover all ARE exam sections.

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions: Benefit from personalized guidance tailored to your learning style and goals.

  • Weekly Group Practice Sessions: Collaborate, learn, and grow with peers under the guidance of industry experts.

Don't miss this opportunity to build your future’s foundation.

Sign up now and transform your ARE preparation experience.

  • 0% tripod

    0% of this course is simply tripoded video of me giving a class. I’ve hired animators, a movie maker, an audio recording studio, and a video recording studio to make this the kind of thing I’d want to watch for 50+ hours.

  • 50+ hours of video

    The course covers systems, construction, site, codes, and professional practice content. This totals approximately 50 hours of video, which should take you around 150 hours to complete, including stopping to answer the questions that come with the course.

  • 100% your pace

    This course is self-guided so that you can go at your own pace and you can watch each animated video as many times as you like while you have access.

finally get licensed

The highest likelihood of passing in the fewest number of hours studying.

Because architects are visual learners, we offer 50+ hours of well-animated instruction, more than 600 practice problems with well-animated explanations, plus hundreds (more than 700) of digital flashcards. To see what else we have to offer, check out our FAQs.

For most people, this courses is intended to replace studying rather than initiate it (even if you study no other content).

We see ourselves not as study prep material, but rather as something approaching a university-level course, if the university-level course was focused on getting you licensed.

Let us take you across the finish line to licensure. We can help you study for ALL of your remaining exams.

Pass the ARE with Amber Book

Get the 9 Tips for Passing the ARE 5.0 from Course Creator, Michael Ermann

For more free samples, we have dozens more videos on YouTube that provide a great sample of what you'll get in the course.